Come along to our next
General Meeting – this Saturday 17 May from 2pm.

popular tourism’s fascination for the lurid, the macabre and the sensational
has often undermined more respectable perspectives on Australia’s past.
governments were prepared to celebrate explorers, pioneers and political
figures, the past that tourists persisted in seeking out was a more
disreputable one - they were less interested in being inspired than in being
entertained - and in catering for more vulgar tastes, tourist operators and
ordinary tourists themselves wrote their own versions of Australia’s past.
White will talk about
the beginnings of ‘historic’ tourism in Australia from the late nineteenth
century and why we are so attracted to our more notorious historic figures -
convicts, bushrangers and rebellious diggers. We’ll take a look at the variety of pasts that tourists
visited, the exhibits that drew them in and the souvenirs they took away.

Visitors are welcome and
afternoon tea will be served after the talk.
Admission is free.
The meeting will be held in
the library meeting room between Gordon Library and the KHS research rooms.
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