Sunday, May 26, 2013

Social Media Q&A

Are you Flummoxed by Facebook? 
Baffled by Blogs? 
Thrown by Twitter?
Do you recognise the buttons on the right?

You are invited to join Jill Ball in the KHS Rooms on Thursday June 6 at 10:30 am to learn about Social Media. Jill will present a short talk on social media and how it may benefit historians and genealogists and then attempt to answer any questions you may have on the topic.

Please book via the booking sheet in the rooms, by emailing or 'phoning the rooms on 02 9499 4568

If you have any specific Social Media questions you would like addressed please email Jill prior to the event:

Please share this invitation with Society members who may not use Social Media.

1 comment:

  1. I will not be able to be there as hubby and I are going away for a few days of solitude, but I hope it goes well. Jenny
