The Sydney Morning Herald in 1913 reported on Mr Cunningham's orchard at St Ives.
1913 'CITRUS-GROWING AT ST. IVES.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 28 July, p. 6, viewed 12 January, 2015,
A transcription of the article follows.
The picturesque district of St. Ives is well known as one of the most successful centresaround Sydney in the cultivation of citrus fruits. The orchards are at present looking well, and if the excessive rains which have fallen of late do not unduly affect the treesby causing "wet feet," there is every pros-pect of a heavy crop.
Mr. James Cunningham, of Margaret-street,who cultivates a citrus orchard of 10 acres,has shown us some splendid samples of Jaffaoranges and Parker's Special mandarins grownon his property. The Jaffa oranges are bcautifully coloured, tender, and juicy, measuring11 1/4 in circumference, and weighing nearly14oz. The Parker's Special is also a largesize, measuring 10in in circumference, and ofperfect shape. The trees from which this fruitwas picked are grown on soil consisting forthe most part of loam and ironstone gravel,and the only manure supplied consisted ofbush rakings. The trees attain a symmetricalshape, and are covered with dense foliage.The fruit hangs well on till Christmas.
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