Friday, August 9, 2024

August 2024 General Meeting - Saturday 24 August


Guest Speaker:
Noel Phelan

Join us in Gordon Library Meeting Room 1
at 2 pm on Saturday 24 August 2024

The Catalina Story

As many of their operations were carried out in secrecy, the story of the humble Catalina flying boat – and its crucial place in our WWII history – is not well known.

These long range, multi-purpose aircraft could land almost anywhere, and were one of the mainstays in the Battle for Australia and the Pacific. It has been said that the PBY Catalinas were to Australia what the Spitfire was to Britain in the Battle for Britain.

Noel’s presentation will describe the history of the aircraft, and the many roles the Catalinas played in WWII, including air-sea rescue, convoy escort, supplying coast watchers and others (such as Z Force) behind enemy lines, as well as the strategic mine-laying operations by the Black Cats. And at the end of the war, Catalinas were involved in repatriating POWs from Japanese concentration camps.

Hear about the history and incredible feats of these versatile aircraft and the bravery of the men that flew them during the dark days of WWII.

About Noel Phelan

Noel has been a volunteer guide at the Maritime Museum for over 15 years, and is a volunteer at the Naval Historical Society where he has developed three Navy harbour cruises. He has also organised a speaker’s program for the Navy Historical Society. Noel recently fulfilled a boyhood dream to fly a WWII fighter, by flying a Spitfire at the Imperial War Museum, Duxford, UK.

As always, please keep an eye on our website in case of any last-minute changes.

The venue is Gordon Library Meeting Room No. 1, in the Old Gordon Public School, which adjoins the Gordon Library, 799 Pacific Highway, Gordon (corner Pacific Highway and Park Avenue).

It’s just a 5-minute walk from Gordon Station.

For a map and parking information, see our Contact page. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Visit to Royal North Shore Hospital Museum and Archives, 29 Aug 2024

Visit to Royal North Shore Hospital Museum and Archives
Thursday 29 August 2024

IMPORTANT: Our first tour on 22 August is now full. This is for bookings for our second tour, which will be on 29 August.

BOOKINGS REQUIRED by Wednesday 21 August. RSVP to Judith Godden at

Have you ever walked past the historic Vanderfield building at Royal North Shore Hospital and wondered what was inside? Well, it’s time to satisfy that curiosity! Inside is a museum and an extensive, well-organised archive – and we can visit both!

Both places are treasure troves of local and hospital history. There is much to see: museum objects, photographs, biographical files… The honorary archivist, Dr Cate Storey OAM, and museum curator, Eileen Henderson, will kindly show our members and visitors around.

When? Thursday 29 August from 10am.

How long? Around 2½ to 3 hours, including morning tea, kindly provided by the Archive volunteers.

Cost? $20, cash only. The museum and archives are entirely reliant on volunteers and donations, so your $20 will support their work, and cover the cost of morning tea. Please bring the $20 cash on the day, to be collected before we enter the building.

Meet? Outside the Vanderfield building, Reserve Road, Royal North Shore Hospital (or on the verandah if it’s raining).

Getting there: It’s an easy 5-minute stroll from St Leonards station. Once through the turnstiles, turn right and use the pedestrian overpass which goes over Herbert Street. Follow the path to Reserve Road, then turn right onto Reserve Road, heading towards the main part of the hospital. The Vanderfield Building will be on your right.


Drive to one of the Hospital’s carparks within an easy walk to the Vanderfield building. See

Disabled access? The museum can be accessed without steps but sorry, the archives are on the first floor and there is no lift.

Kindly note: If you have booked for this event but your plans change, or if you have questions, please email Judith or contact her on 0408 967 937.

As usual, check for any updates on our website's Events Page,